Saturday, 12 October 2013

Rhythm Of The Rain

my friend & I decide to have a movie after a long hard work for the past few days. While we are deciding which movie to watch, Kate suddenly suggest to watch " Rhythm of The Rain".
Hmmm......I have actually heard good comment about this movie and yet it is directed by Vincent Fang, a talented man. You can actually see this link to know more about him.
Grab our popcorn & beverages, we enter the cinema to enjoy our movie.

Movie for 3 ladies please.

The story line of this movie is the girl who named Xiao Jie trapped in the world of silent after a tragic accident. She immersed herself in an animated night market, making a simple living as a doll maker.

Allen & Darren, two best friends with different personality. Allen a free-loving, hot headed & exuberant singer. Darren a quiet, caring and refined artist. Upon a chance meeting in the night markets, both guys fall over Xiao Jie's beauty & innocent. 

Allen dives straight into courtship without realising that Xiao Jie cannot enter his world of music as she is deaf and this makes a torn between their love while Darren stand aside and keep his feelings towards Xiao Jie. However Darren become the person who trusted the most after Allen breaks Xiao Jie's heart.

It is a happy ending as at the end, Xiao Jie accept to undergo a surgery of her ear at Singapore and slowly she recover and at last she regain her ability of hearing.

The storyline is awesome!!! No wonder this movie have such a good comment & rating. The movie theme song match well together with the movie too. I keep recalling the scene of the movie when I listen to the song over & over again. Not to forget to mention that this movie theme song is actually writen by Vincent Fang.
Awesome!!! :) Totally salute him.


So guys, what is your rhythm of rain???


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