Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Food Hunt: Hakka Tree

 of Hakka cuisine, they always emphasises on its original flavors, nutritional value and practicality rather than just its appearance. Hakka also means 'guest' in Chinese word have retained much of their ancestors' lifestyle and culture and have blend in well with other ethnic groups.
Hakka cuisine always remind me something traditional yet mouth-watering Chinese
dishes which includes, Beef meatball soup(牛肉丸湯), Dongjiang salt-baked chicken(東江鹽焗雞 ), Duck stuffed with sticky rice(糯米鴨), Yoong Tau Fu(釀豆腐), Kiu nyuk (扣肉) ,Abacus beads(算盤子), Thunder Tea or Pounded Tea (擂茶)......
 Last Saturday, my friend and I decide to have something new to suit our appetites after catching a movie in the cinema. When we go down to the basement to hunt for food, something catch our eyes, a new shop open in Gurney Plaza--Hakka Tree 客家福.
So, we decide to settle our dinner at there.

Check out what have we order:
Fried Bean Curd Sheet & Fish Cake
The crispiness of the bean curd sheet and the Fish Cake dipped with their signature chili sauce is like a BOOM in your mouth.

Some chopped garlic is added into the chili sauce and it is really a brilliant idea as it add a KICK into your taste bud before you start your meals.

Hakka Thunder Tea Rice (RM8.90)
This restaurant have another option which are brown rice & noodles rather than just white rice. It is highly recommended for those who are on diet as this meal is simple yet healthy.

 A combination of vegetables, fried tofu and some marinated vege which add a little bit of saltiness into the dish. The 'green' soup beside is to pour into the rice and mix well with the element inside the bowl. The 'green' soup is actually several vegetables blend together & when I first try it, a mild basil is tasted inside the soup.

I am kinda person that get crazy over basil especially when it comes to Thunder Tea Rice, I personally feel that it would be much more better if the flavour of the basil is stronger.

Dry Low She Fun with Yoong Tau Fu (RM13.90)
The restaurant offer a few selection of set meals which are worth the price as it comes along with side dishes. Dry Low She Fun with a generous bunch of bean sprouts and minced meat serve along with a side dish--Yoong Tau Fu.

 How can you not try Yoong Tau Fu when it comes to Hakka cuisine??? The tofu, bitter gourd, chili, eggplant and the bean curd sheet stuffed with fish paste which serve together with soup. The Yoong Tau Fu taste superb when it is eaten together with their signature chili sauce.

The Yoong Tau Fu is delicious but when it comes to the Low She Fun, it is kinda disappointing as it is lack of flavour even though it is already mix well with the sauce.

Dry Keoy Teow with Dumplings and Fish Balls Soup(RM11.90)
This is another set meal which is also price worthy. Dry Keoy Teow with a big bunch of bean sprouts and minced meat served along with a bowl of dumplings & fish balls soup.

My friend, Zhulyn, always get crazy over bean sprouts and when the waitress serve her meal, she is like :" WOW, so many bean sprouts!!! My favourite!!!"

The fish ball is very bouncy and juicy, I wonder what will happen if I throw it towards the wall, will it bounce back??? Should give a try next time. Hahaha.

The dry Keoy Teow is also lack of flavour even it is mixed well with the sauce, but not until the fish balls soup is added into it. It taste much more better as it add some flavour rather than just the bland dry Keoy Teow.
Fu Chuk Yee Mai (RM 4.90)
The taste of the dessert is nice , but it would be more better if more Fu Chuk is added into the dessert. Some ginkgo are added into the dessert. Most people believe that having this dessert can help in whitening & detoxification.

Hahaha believe it or not???  Why not give a try???
Fried Purple Yam (RM 5.90)
The purple yam wrap with layer of popiah skin and deep fried it, making it a delightful dessert. I mean who can resist this sinful little devils???

When I take my 1st bite, it is crispy and yet not losing the thick flavour of the purple yam. 

Sugarcane (RM2.90)
After having those fried foods, it is good to have something to bring down the heat and TADAA!!! This thing really helps a lot--sugarcane.

It is a super simple, cooling & refreshing drink that will help to quench the thirst & beat the heat.

My friends -- Kate & Mong Khim really enjoy their meals. They say that some of the foods are delicious but some of them are below average. We have a great time together and I hope that we can spend more time together as recently everybody are busy with their own stuffs. 

Hahaha, nearly forget to mention another friend--Shi Ning who actually eat her food before photos been taken as she is feeling hungry when the food is served. Ishhh!!!

  • Location                :  Gurney Plaza's Basement
  • Bussiness Hours  : 12pm-10pm (Monday- Sunday)
  • Tel                          : 04-8993887

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