night I attended a christian choir themed: ''Glorious Night of Hymns" in TARC college with my friend, Andrew. This is my 1st time attending a christian choir so I'm kinda exciting.
When we reach TARC college, I can saw that the auditorium is crowded, so immediately we look for a place to sit down. Before the choir start, I flipped through the booklet provided, wondering what is the meaning of Hymns.
The event start on time and the MC gave us a brief of their theme. Hymn is actually ancient song written for the congregation since the Reformation.Nowadays the new generations are not interested in singing hymns for it is too demanding in singing, hence gradually showing a backslide in singing in churches.
Their aims is to introduce beautiful Hymn that will never be outdated in any decades of time & to promote the attitude of Hymn singing which is the most important way of rejuvenating Hymns singing.
Combination of the Yi Qi choir with the orchestra just blow me away as the performance is amazing!!! It really bring a piece of mind after listening to the choir. All those worries, sorrow & stress just simply flushed away.
Program of the night:
1. Our Father Who Art In Heaven
Immortal, Invisible
Come, Thou Almighty King
This is my Father's world
Holy, Holy, Holy
Dear Lord & Father of mankind
Eternal Father, strong to save
2. Hallowed be Thy Name
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
O for a thousand tongues to sing
All creatures of God and King
Hark, ten thousand Harps
Praise to the Father, the Almighty
3. Thy Kingdom Comes
4. Thy Will Be Done
5. Our Daily Bread
6. Forgive Us Our Debts
Amazing Grace
Just as I am
7. Lead Us Not Into Temptation
8. For Thine Is The Kingdom & The Power & The Glory Forever ,AMEN
Extra credit for Andrew for helping me taking this picture from one of his friends. |
After that Andrew suggest to have hamburgers for supper and he recommend me that there is a hamburger stall who sell yummy burgers at Batu Ferringi. I'm like " What?!! Are we going to Batu Ferringi for a burger???"
Andrew says:" YUP" & he just drove his car to Batu Ferringi. It sounds kinda crazy, but he say he use to do so with his friends. So both of us just went up to Batu Ferringi to buy hamburgers.
The burger stall is just opposite of the Eden Parade & you can see that they sell different variety of burgers, other that fish, chicken, mutton & pork, they also sell ostrich, rabbit and deer hamburgers which surprise me a lot. I order the Fish burger while Andrew order a Jumbo Special which is not seen in their menu.
After that we headed down to Straits Quay's Starbucks coffee shop to enjoy our supper.
Having our supper-- Hamburgers with Starbucks Double Chocolaty Chip Frappucino !!!
The fish burger is so spicy even though no chili is added into it but the Jumbo special is indeed special, the melted cheese combined with the meat, cucumber and eggs are really satisfying both hungry soul. Really worth it for driving miles and miles away up to that place.HAHAHA.
The cool sea breeze, yummy burgers and the amazing choir really make my day. *winks* |
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