Sunday, 1 September 2013

MY very 1st blog

.....this is my 1st 1st 1st bloG.....
Hopefully i can manage this blog well enough so that it can ''properly'' presented....hahaha XD

The main reason of open a blog is I really hope to have a space of myself to post all my stuff, my feelings, maaaa life....

The 1st things I would like to share is my SOME of my own principles~

Everybody have their own principles...and I personally  think that principle in life is very very important..DON't cha think so??

1. Never, I mean never ever judge people by their cover or appearance.

2. Always be humble.

3. Be graditude for everything you have and fight for what u don't have rather than sitting there daydream, hoping it will drop from the sky.

4. Be humor. A person without humor is like having a life which is constantly black & white, add some color to it dudeeee!!

5. If u cannot talk something appropriate in the suitable time...Well juz shut da fcuk of and stand aside

6. Last but not least..MY favourite...Keep Looking FORWARD and never regret of your PAST!!!!

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