Friday, 20 September 2013

Once in a "BRIGHT" moon

My family & I celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I prefer to call it mooncake day, because I finally have a chance to taste all the mooncakes in my house!!

All of us start preparing the mooncake & tea while waiting for my papa to come back.
Homemade mooncakes with full of love.

My favourite mooncake of the day, the cute appearance just melt my heart, but I'm gonna eat you all somehow. HAHAHAHA.

Mooncakes with assorted flavours. Sweetness OVERLOAD!! 

After the preparation, my papa come back right in time, we started to sit together,chit chatting,  and enjoying the mooncake. I suddenly feel that my heart is warm, we haven't been gathering for quite a long while already. This festival is like bringing us back together again.*smile*

Moon oh Moon, why you look so gorgeous today???

Outside my house, I saw my neighbours' children is grabbing their lantern and walk around their house. Make me remember that last time when I was a kid, I use to do so with my brothere but unfortunately every year my lantern will caught in fire...... *sobs*.

Last but not least, I wish everybody Happy Mooncake Day.*winks*

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Food Hunt--MIAM MIAM

finally meet up with my long time no see friend--Andrew. We decide to go to Miam Miam for our lunch & gathering in the same time.
When we reach Miam Miam, my friends & I were like :"OMG!! Do we need to wait for the long ques??!!" Because we can see that inside the restaurant is crowded. Luckily, we just need to wait for around 5 minutes.
The services are efficient. They even provide the menu for those customers who are waiting, so when they are seated, they can immediately make their decisions. 


HAHAHAHA!!! My lucky number which is the number of table we are seated.
While waiting for ma food.....SELCA!!!
4 of us order the same drinks--Iced Matcha Latte. I though the top is cream, but it is actually matcha ice cream. The thick flavour of Matcha just spread out from my mouth when I taste it. YUM!!

Japanese Wafu Salad. Simple yet healthy.

Squid Ink Spaghetti. Well...This is my 1st time eating this kinda spaghetti. My lips is coated with black ink when I eat the spaghetti.

Miam Miam Signature Spaghetti.

Matcha Souffle. The Matcha's smell & taste is irresistible!! Drooling~ The preparation for this souffle is around 20 minutes.

The most people recommended must eat food in Miam Miam: Famous french toast coated with maple syrup & homemade whipped cream.Although it is quite expensive for a french toast, but once in a blue moon, so we order it.
When I try it, 1 word-- Fantabulous!!!

Overall, although I'm not a food critic, but the comment I can give for the foods are :the desserts & the matcha latte is a KICK but the main course which is the spaghetti is kinda disappointed, the spaghetti is undercooked & it is hard to chew.

Before we leave~ Something must be done-- Capturing le moment sessions!!

 p/s: I discovered Andrew signature post-- Peace. HAHAHAHA!!!

Thursday, 12 September 2013


me & ma girlfriend--Serena Teh plan to hangout together at Gurney Paragon. We plan to go
Pasta Zanmai but after that we decided to go Sushi Zanmai to have our dinner~

 Sushi Zanmai, I can still remember the 1st time I go there with my mom, the food, the services and the environment--2 thumbs up!!

Me & ma girlfriend was enjoying the sushi at the sushi bar~ Since there is only 2 of us, so we just have something light & simple.

She laugh, I smile; I laugh, she smile. HAHAHAHA!!!

Hmmm.....What to order??

We just simply love salmon....SO we order the salmon roe hand rolled with crab meat and spicy sauce.

The hand rolled sushi : Assorted mushroom & salmon roe with salmon. YUM! I just can't resist the temptation of MUSHROOM~

Even though it is just a few plate of sushi, but it really make our tummy full.

We actually plan to order a dessert, but both of us are too full for dessert. Although they say a meal wouldn't complete without dessert, but both our tummy is about to explode, so perhaps next time. *winks*

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Have a break, have a Starbuck's hot chocolate. :) 

Saturday, 7 September 2013

NO bake Lemon Yoghurt CHEESEZZZ-CAKE~

1ST hands on in baking cakes is because of my BFF--Joanna's birthday and I can remember that day quite well, it is a total disaster!!! Because I totally have no idea of doing or baking cakes, but luckily I successfully make her favourite cheese cake for her. When they 1st taste it.....HaHaHaHa!!!
    "WHY is it soooo sour??"
  " The cake is sooo hard lar, you put into the freezer izit??"
    " Hmmm.....When taste it together with the is actually quite nice ^^"
End up 4 of us finish up the whole cake & I'm kinda proud of myself XD
 Lemon yogurt cheesecake was the 1st cake that I've learned & created my own recipe after making this cake.....
I found out it is SOOOOO yummy (p/s: I'm not trying to boast XD) & yet it is easy to do as making my own recipe cheesecake, you don't need have an oven or beating machine....ALL you need is all the ingredient  listed below & most IMPORTANT-- A refrigerator.


The ingredients for yummy Lemon Yogurt Cheesecake.

Oops, forget to capture this ingredient together with the ingredients above--yogurt!!

  • 250 gram Digestive Biscuits
  • 125 gram Butter
  • 500 gram Kraft's Philadelphia Cream Cheese (strongly recommend to use this brand as their cream cheese is really really nice. )
  • 1/2 cup of Sugars
  • 100 gram of Yogurt
  • 2 fresh lemons (squeeze both lemon into lemon juice)

1. Crush the digestive biscuits into fine pieces in a plate.
 *You can use the base of the cup to crush the biscuits.
2. After crushing all the biscuits, melt the butter in a bowl under the boiling hot water.

3.After the butter is melt, pour into the cake pan & mix well with the digestive biscuits.


4. After you have mixed the biscuits & butter, press firmly using the base of cup to create a flat surface. After that place the base into the refrigerator for 1 hour.
While waiting for the base to set, you can actually prepare the top,

5. Stir well the cream cheese until its texture is soft before adding the sugar, lemon juice & yogurt.

6. Add the freshly squeeze lemon juice, the sugar & yogurt into the cream cheese and stir well.

7. After the base is set, pour the cream cheese into the cake pan which is on top the base.

TADAA!!! You will probably get this at the end....You can smoothen the surface of the cake with spoon, so that it look neat & tidy. Place the cake into the refrigerator for 4-6 hours before serving it.

You can actually do it in a different mold...such as this heart shape mold for someone special *winks*

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

A Letter to all the GIRLS~

To all the Girls:
    Here is something I would like to share about being a girl. Being a girl is the most luckiest things or I should I say, a perfect gift from GOD. Although every month we need to go through a 'huge' loss amount of BLOOD & experiences of PAIN.

Why I feel LUCKY to be a girl??

1. We tend to be more sensitive than men. That's why
girl observe something more thoroughly than guys.
2. Sometimes,We can be strong like a lion and
be tame like a little kitty. *meow*
3. We can wear like a men but
a men cannot wear like a women.
4. Mostly,priorities is always given to women.*yeah!!!*
5. We can still look sexy in short or long hair.
OK, let's come back business. Here is some advice for all the girls, which know as the  "H.E.A.R.T.S"
Humble in everything.People tends to respect those who are humble and look up on them.
Empathy to others. Always care for others' feelings & always think of others as if you are in the same shoe with them.
Appreciate everything you have or help from other people. Don't keep blaming that life is unfair, you are actually lucky enough to have a shelter, food & drinks compare to those people who are staying in the poverty country.
Read more books. Read more books can actually help you improve your knowledge & have different perspective towards a things.
Travelling. Travelling to another country rather than staying in your own small world. Start packing your bag & move on!!!
Special. Have your own unique personalities & style.
Hopefully these advices can give an idea to all the girls. :)

#Throwback# Bought a super size sunglasses when travelling in Taiwan~ I love my SMILE.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Kurtos SPIROLL??

might probably have this kinda thought when u saw this in shopping mall :
" Kurtos Spiroll??
What the heck is that things...SO jom, let's go and find out~"

Ma friend & I are curious about anything especially when it comes to food
(hahaha actually is ME!! I always feel curious about all those weirdo stuff & food~)

SO immediately, both of us Que up, and grab our KURTOS SPIROLL~

A simple things when u add some inspiration into it become an Inspirolling~

There is a several choice of spiroll for you to suit your sweet tooth.

Boon How looking at all those fresh toppings......He might want to grab a whole bunch of sunflower seeds & eat it when there is nobody noticing. HAHAHAHA XD

We order the Nutella & Walnut Spiroll.
It is so delicious. Why I never though of adding walnut instead of just spreading the nutella on ma bread??
The smell of the spiroll !! It is just simply irresistible.....But before enjoying the spiroll.....
SELCA 1st!!!


Sunday, 1 September 2013

A warm outing

I didn't have any plan of going out because I feel kinda
lazy & summore it is raining outside....
*YAWN* The weather is making me feel like hiding under my warm blanket.....

Suddenly my friend call me for dinner, well.....rather than staying at home, I think it is time for me to go out for a refreshing fresh air~

Both of us have no idea for dinner, until I decide to go for something healthy & organic since both of us are on diet....

TADAAA!!! The place we go for dinner,

A nice & warm almond tea during the rainy day~

Boon How's Assorted Mushroom & Herbal Soup with brown rice.


My Hakka Lei-Tea..Yummy to the MAX!!! Strongly recommend to you guys to eat this if you can resist the smell of basil.


MY very 1st blog

.....this is my 1st 1st 1st bloG.....
Hopefully i can manage this blog well enough so that it can ''properly'' presented....hahaha XD

The main reason of open a blog is I really hope to have a space of myself to post all my stuff, my feelings, maaaa life....

The 1st things I would like to share is my SOME of my own principles~

Everybody have their own principles...and I personally  think that principle in life is very very important..DON't cha think so??

1. Never, I mean never ever judge people by their cover or appearance.

2. Always be humble.

3. Be graditude for everything you have and fight for what u don't have rather than sitting there daydream, hoping it will drop from the sky.

4. Be humor. A person without humor is like having a life which is constantly black & white, add some color to it dudeeee!!

5. If u cannot talk something appropriate in the suitable time...Well juz shut da fcuk of and stand aside

6. Last but not least..MY favourite...Keep Looking FORWARD and never regret of your PAST!!!!