Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Hello 2014

time didn't update my blog since after my KL trip, today I finally have the time to sit back on my couch and review what I have done in the year of 2013 and plan for a better 2014.
In this brand new year, I made a list,hoping that I can fulfill it before year 2015.
1.Lose weight!!!
 HAHAHA, discipline!! Sometimes I just can't resist the temptation of those yummy desserts.
2. Dye my hair.
I always want to dye my hair into those hippies hair color--perhaps red wine color??
3. Love my family, friends & my beloved one more.
Family is the most important one, we must spend more time with them, never do something that will make us regret.
Friends...... Most of them will be busy studying or working, hope that we can still get connected.
My beloved one, hope that we can get through everything, no matter happy or sad, we must always stay strong & faithful to each other.
4. Have my own thoughts
Sometimes, I'm easily affected by peoples and I know myself well. I hope that this year I can have my own thoughts and not following other peoples' trends.
5. Travel Around.
Travel to a place, learn their cultures & languages.
6. Learn a new skill
A skill...... Cooking??!!! HAHAHA.
7. Have a clear view of what I'm doing.
Sometimes, I tend to be a bit blur of what I'm doing, and often brings a lot of trouble for me. Hopefully this year, I can have a clear picture of what I want and just do it rather than simply go without a direction and ended up a piece of shit!!!
8. Dress up like a punk.
I know this one sounds a little bit crazy, but I really want to give a try on it. HAHAHA.
Well, this is all I can think of and I hope that I can stick to my plan.I know that my plans might fail, but with courage & strength, I believe I can do it!!! Good Luck *winks*

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